英 [ʃʌt]

- vt. 关闭;停业;幽禁
- vi. 关上;停止营业
- n. 关闭
- adj. 关闭的;围绕的
- n. (Shut)人名;(俄)舒特;(中)室(广东话·威妥玛)
第三人称单数: shuts;过去式: shut;过去分词: shut;现在分词: shutting;
shut 关闭,合上
来自古英语 scyttan,合上门栓,推,关上,来自 West-Germanic*skutjan,推,合上,来自 PIE*skeud, 投,扔,射,推,词源同 shoot,shot.
- shut
- shut: [OE] Shut comes ultimately from the same prehistoric Germanic base (*skaut-, *skeut-, *skut- ‘project’) that produced English shoot, and its underlying etymological reference is to the ‘shooting’ of a bolt across a door to fasten it. Its immediate West Germanic ancestor was *skuttjan, which also produced Dutch schutten ‘obstruct’. In Old English this became scyttan, which if it had evolved unchecked would have given modern English shit. For reasons of delicacy, perhaps, the West Midlands form shut was drafted into the general language in the 16th century.
=> sheet, shoot, shot, shout, shuttle - shut (v.)
- Old English scyttan "to put (a bolt) in place so as to fasten a door or gate, bolt, shut to; discharge, pay off," from West Germanic *skutjan (cognates: Old Frisian schetta, Middle Dutch schutten "to shut, shut up, obstruct"), from PIE *skeud- "to shoot, chase, throw" (see shoot (v.)). Related: Shutting.
Meaning "to close by folding or bringing together" is from mid-14c. Meaning "prevent ingress and egress" is from mid-14c. Sense of "to set (someone) free (from)" (c. 1500) is obsolete except in dialectal phrases such as to get shut of. To shut (one's) mouth "desist from speaking" is recorded from mid-14c.
- 1. Burke cast a cursory glance at the menu, then flapped it shut.
- 伯克匆匆地瞥了一眼菜单,然后啪地合上了。
- 2. I let myself out into the street and pulled the door shut.
- 我出门上街并拉上了门。
- 3. The envelope has been tampered with and then taped shut again.
- 信封被人动过手脚,然后又用胶带封上了。
- 4. "I shut him out of the bedroom," says Maureen.
- “我把他关在了卧室外面,”莫琳说。
- 5. If you keep your eyes squeezed shut, you'llmiss the show.
- 如果一直紧闭双眼,你就要错过精彩的表演了。