英 [pɔː'nɒgrəfɪ]

- n. 色情文学;色情描写
pornography 淫秽作品,色情书刊
- pornography
- pornography: [19] Pornography denotes etymologically the ‘depiction of prostitutes’; and indeed Webster’s dictionary 1864 defined the word as ‘licentious painting employed to decorate the walls of rooms sacred to bacchanalian orgies, examples of which occur in Pompeii’. Originally in English it was mainly reserved to classical Greek and Roman examples of the genre, and the application to contemporary books, magazines, etc did not emerge strongly until the 1880s. The term originated in Greek, based on pórnē ‘prostitute’, and reached English via French.
- pornography (n.)
- 1843, "ancient obscene painting, especially in temples of Bacchus," from French pornographie, from Greek pornographos "(one) depicting prostitutes," from porne "prostitute," originally "bought, purchased" (with an original notion, probably of "female slave sold for prostitution"), related to pernanai "to sell," from PIE root *per- (5) "to traffic in, to sell" (see price (n.)) + graphein "to write" (see -graphy). A brothel in ancient Greek was a porneion.
Pornography, or obscene painting, which in the time of the Romans was practiced with the grossest license, prevailed especially at no particular period in Greece, but was apparently tolerated to a considerable extent at all times. Parrhasius, Aristides, Pausanias, Nicophanes, Chaerephanes, Arellius, and a few other [pornographoi] are mentioned as having made themselves notorious for this species of license. [Charles Anthon, "Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities," New York, 1843]
In reference to modern works by 1859 (originally French novels), later as a charge against native literature; sense of "obscene pictures" in modern times is from 1906. Also sometimes used late 19c. for "description of prostitutes" as a matter of public hygiene. The "Medical Archives" in 1873 proposed porniatria for "the lengthy and really meaningless expression 'social evil hospital' ...."I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description [hard-core pornography]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that. [U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, concurring opinion, "Jacobellis v. Ohio," 1964]
In ancient contexts, often paired with rhypography, "genre painting of low, sordid, or unsuitable subjects." Pornocracy (1860) is "the dominating influence of harlots," used specifically of the government of Rome during the first half of the 10th century by Theodora and her daughters. Pornotopia (1966) was coined to describe the ideal erotic-world of pornographic movies.
- 1. A nationwide campaign against pornography began in the summer.
- 一场全国性打击淫秽作品的行动在夏季打响了。
- 2. They sell hard-core pornography .
- 他们出售赤裸裸的色情物品。
- 3. In this country pornography was once sold under the counter.
- 在该国,色情书画曾一度在黑市出售.
- 4. Police have seized several consignments of pornography.
- 警方没收了好几批运来的色情物品.
- 5. The biggest fear among parents thinking of using the Internet is that their children will be exposed to pornography.
- 大多数父母认为使用因特网最可怕的是他们的孩子将接触到色情内容。